I buy jukeboxes email me at ken@pinballrebel.com
Wurlitzer Model 780 Jukebox of 1941 at www.pinballrebel.com

This classic Wurlitzer jukebox was desinger by Paul Fuller.

The idea was to make a jukebox for more upscale establishments. Thus it was given old world charm.
The quilt behind the wagon wheel and a couple of lamps made to look like laterns really set the box off.

Photos above courtesy of Dirk at Great Plains Galleries Lone Jack, MO
Photos below courtesy of Gary B.

The inside is the standard Wurlitzer Simplex mechanism which was very robust and reliable.

Despite its looks it did not sell very well at the time. The 1015 is a much more sought after model although this box is also a classic.
Photos below courtesy of Terry B.

I buy jukeboxes email me at ken@pinballrebel.com
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I buy jukeboxes email me at ken@pinballrebel.com