Ken's Carnival Erie Digger Crane At
I had been searching for these for years. I had almost given up ever finding any. Most have been junked years ago and the few that survive
are way out of my price range. Then I met James Roller. James is a retired carnival man and worked the cranes on midways across America for a great deal of his life.
He restored this crane for me as part of a trade deal for another machine. Jim is a great guy and his knowledge of the carnival business and of diggers and
cranes is probably unmatched anywhere in the country. Although he claims he has retired from building or restoring any more cranes to focus on his own collection he web site can
be found here.

This single cabinet is completely custom and was built by James Roller just to showcase this erie digger. This is the first style crane to be used and the
type dates as early as the 1890's to early 1900's. Although this one is lit no electricity is required for it to run. This machine is not for sale or trade at any price.

James is also an excellent sign maker and his work shows here.

Ken (left) and James (right) on Delivery Day July 12th 2003.
CLICK HERE If you would like to see the Tonka Digger Crane
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