I bought this machine new in the box. I have never been disappointed with it. After looking at all the options I decided the Rock-ola was the best box for me to buy.

I highly recommend this fine jukebox. I have been nothing but pleased by it.
Real chrome here folks no plastic "metalwork"

As you can see the plastics and bubble tubes are well done. In fact the Rock-Ola has animation units at the top as well as the side pillars. Some folks do not like the title display but it works for me.
These are the selection keys. The LCD screen at the right shows track and disc playing. It also shows credit information, custom messages, and service notes.
The mech is standard classic Rock-Ola jukebox with a few tweaks. It uses the Phillips Pro CD player and holds 100 discs. Given 20 songs a disc thats 2000 selections in one jukebox! The mech also grabs the discs on their sides which prevents damage. An NSM changer will peal off custom labels on home made discs and as a result will jam up and require service.

The current jukebox software/hardware is called cybersonic and it appears to be rock solid. A nice factor is how modular it is. If a component goes bad simply replace it and have the broken one serviced to use as a future spare. Jukebox operators will love how simplistic it is. It also is modem ready and will alert an operator of malfunctions or service needs. An op can also pull up all the audits by remote.
Here is a shot from the back side on the front door. It gives a better look at the animation units.
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