1967 Gottlieb Super Score Pinball at www.pinballrebel.com
A very cool game with a unique fillper layout. I replaced the rubber and burned out bulbs. It needs new leg levelers in front. I could not get the old ones out
so I just left them on. The original schematic was also included. I also replaced the score and instruction cards with new ones I made. This game was sold to make room for another.

Backglass is in great shape for a game of this age. There is a little flaking on the red in player one and two but not much.
The girl in the center has a little cracking on he white shirt but its not real bad either.

Playfield is overall not in bad shape with just a little wear here and there. Very nice plastics.

Here is the main wear spot due to the fact both kickout saucers hit the spot when the ball launches.

Typical scrapes and nicks for a 35 year old game.

A shot of that cool flipper layout. The left button controls the left flippers (both of them) and the right button the right set.

A very cool wheel with a captive ball working 100%. Land on the star for an extra ball.

Another shot of the wear area and saucers.

The flipper area.

The flipper area.

The front door needs a repaint and polish.

Typical scrapes and nicks for a 35 year old game.

Typical scrapes and nicks for a 35 year old game.

Bumper area

Left Closeup

Right Closeup

Center Bonus Lights

Right Head Shot
From the Internet Pinball Database at www.ipdb.org
Super Score April, 1967 2 Players
Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Co. (1931-1977)
Model Number: 249 Production: 2925 units (approximate)
Toys: Roulette style spinner on playfield Design by: Ed Krynski
Art by: Art Stenholm Notes: 'Super Score' is the 2 Player version of 'Hi-Score'
Click Here For The Full IPD Entry
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