2001 Pt Cruiser Pinball Hauler at www.pinballrebel.com

As gas prices went up I needed a cheaper way to make long pinball
runs. My solution was a 2001 PT Cruiser.
1st you take the back seats out and put down some plywood to keep from
snagging the cabinet on the latches.

Next put down an old blanket to protect the lip on the end and cut some
pvc pipe to roll the pinball on. The in just site on the
1st roller and slides right back. Once the pin is all the way
back open the coin door and tilt it up to allow someone to remove the
pvc pipe.

Here you can see a Lord of the Rings Pinball in my little PT even with
my seat all the way back. So even hauling a game you can fit
two people in the car.

Some claim to be able to haul two game in a PT but it would not be east
and I bet the front passenger seat would need to come out.

Not bad eh?

Safe and snug for a 250+ mile trip back home.
Find A PT Cruiser Pinball Hauler Near You
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