The Speelunker Cave VIDEO From Six Flags Over Texas now at!
This all started with an email I got from Wes Helbling in early December 2003. He had taken some home video of the ride before it was changed. Years later he dug it out and tried to sell a few on ebay but the auction kept getting cancelled for reasons unknown. He offered me a copy since I was such a big fan. One thing led to another and Wes has agreed to let me digitze and publish this video for the speelunker fans of the world! You will need real player to watch it.
My heart felt thanks and gratitude go out to Wes who helped me relive one of my fondest childhood memories. I hope you too can capture a bit of the magic with this short film. Without Wes it would not have been possible.
If you have pictures of the Speelunkers in action or if you have a Speelunker for sale please contact me. I am also looking for Speelunker Video.
Be Sure To Visit These Other Great Speelunker Pages
Park Times Speelumker Page
Darkride and Funhouse Enthusiasts Speelunker Page
Barry Green's Speelunker Page (Listen To The Ride in mp3!)
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