Built By: Diego Alvarez
Year Built: 2006
Number Made: 100
Designer: Diego Alvarez
Country of Construction: Argentina
Special Features: This is a talking machine.
Insert a coin and push Female or Male button then machine starts moving head
up and down looking the skul in the grave, a special light makes the bride glows of
vivrating violet, music and speech starts. Each prediction is about one minute and the
themes are colors, love, numbers, etc.
This machine was built in 2006. Machine brand is RENOVATIA (WORKING NOWIN A ZOLTAN REPRO MACHINE),
this is the name of a Industrial Designers Studio owned by the people who designed this machine, all fans of pinball and Arcade Machines.
This same people past year designed “Sofia fortune teller” (you can see one in pinballrebel.com) and a pinball called MARTIANS,
you can see this machine in the internet pinball database (ipdb.org). This people usually made a serie of not more than 100 units for each model
to sell in the internal market and a few to export.
Photos Above Courtesy of Diego Alvarez
If you have a fortune teller machine for sale in any condition or if you have information of pictures to add to the archive please contact me.