Genco Grandma Fortune Teller Arcade Machine At
Built By: Genco MFG
Year Built: 1940's-1950's
Number Made: Unkown
Designer: Unknown
Country of Construction:USA
Special Features: This is a very nice original Gypsy Grandma Fortune teller made by Genco MFG. of Chicago, ILL.
It is a rare 10 cent coin operated arcade machine dating from the 1940's or early 50's.
This is a really neat machine, when you put your dime in the Gypsy becomes almost lifelike!
Her head moves from side to side, her chest moves as if she is breathing,
she then grabs the fortune card with her right hand and drops it to the player.
It stands 78" tall, 23 1/2" wide and 21" deep. This is a very well made machine with cast iron base,
heavy duty cabinet and very detailed animated Gypsy, (check out the fancy earings).

If you have a fortune teller machine for sale in any condition or if you have information of pictures to add to the archive please contact me.
I buy fortune teller machines email me at
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