Smiling Sam The Voodoo Man Vintage Fortune Teller Arcade Machine At
I don't have much information on this machine but it is very unusual. Please note that this machine was made when African Americans held a much
different place in American Society. To modern Americans it no doubt has racist overtones. This website nor the webmaster condone racism or sexism in any form. However,
as a former history teacher trying to hide from history or cover it up has drawbacks as well as far as I am concerned.
Built By: Exhibit Supply
Year Built: 1947
Number Made: Unkown
Designer: Unknown
Country of Construction:USA
Special Features: This is a very Scarce coin operated Smiling Sam The Voodoo Man fortune teller made by exhibit supply. in 1947. fully animated.
His eyes and mouth move. Its is a very desirable fortune teller. Another more rare example was titled "Lucky Piece"

If you have a fortune teller machine for sale in any condition or if you have information of pictures to add to the archive please contact me.
I buy fortune teller machines email me at
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