King Tut Shuffle Alley Bowler By Williams United of 1979 at
I mailed Clive at the Coin Op Cauldron all the boards from the
game except the sound board and now it works great!

It is hard to find an alley on a bowler this nice.

All of the pins are NOS

Ready for some arcade bowling action?

The artwork on this game is very nice and has an egyptian theme.

Coin door view.

Full shot of the game.

Bowler Glass is plexi and has a few scratches but new ones are
available. It wasnt bad enough for me to replace it.

Here is a view of the boards bfore they were mailed off for repair

Here is a view of the boards bfore they were mailed off for repair

Another view of the boards bfore they were mailed off for repair

Light board backside

Light board frontside

Closeup of the displays

another view of the displays all of which work very well.

Back end of the lane.
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